wbrb (won’t be right back)

twitters blurred a birdsong
once carried by the trees
blogs and vlogs and wtf’s
flickr’d is now the morning dew

facebooks and avatars, minds in the cookie jar
all gung-ho at the hide-and-seek
once tribes and true colours
gathered among us, shared stories,cuppa tea

with eyes faced down a tired clown
withdraws from bluescreen action
battle’s done, the war is won
he grabs this chance for awakening

mankind circles are a breaking
for nought but a fleeting pledge
a pledge of I’ll love you or hate you, I’ll stalk or I’ll break you
dangling on ego’s edge

bring on souls’ rising
birdsongs and dew, families and stew
hearts and hugs and coffee mugs
‘click here’ for the taking

but be there for the making
All can be truly done

2018.02.20, Antwerp – dedicated to Charissa and Nigel

1 Reactie

  • Oh, the irony to publish this on a blog! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Aldus Tsagaan Sar op 8 maart '18 om 12:26